$200 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway
We are joining with the Amazon Gift Card Giveaway organizer Oh My Gosh Beck! and all the Co-hosts listed below to bring you this fall giveaway! Who couldn’t use a little extra cash when shopping on Amazon. I know it would come in handy when I order my herbs and vitamins or specialty foods I get. I actually had to buy a new bathtub plug for our Jaccuzzi tub this last week. I just love they are so fast…even to Alaska!! I was missing my soaks in the tub 🙂 What do you find you buy from Amazon? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to know.
Co-hosts: The Mommyhood Mentor® // Mama’s Mission // Surviving Mommy // Crayons & Cravings // Coupons and Freebies Mom // Jenns Blah Blah Blog // Capri’s Coupons // Lipgloss and Crayons // Mom and More // Improve Your Mental Health // Peanut Butter and Whine // Sparkles and Shoes // Getting Fit Fab // Misadventures with Andi // Beautiful Touches // Java John Z’s //The Frugal Free Gal // SWEETHAUTE // Ottawa Mommy Club // babushka’s baile // Foxy’s Domestic Side // Burning Moon’s Inside Advice // Organized Island // I Choose My Best Life // Southern Mommas // Deliciously Savvy // Living Simply // Oh, The Places We Travel! // MommaDJane // Pumps & Push-Ups // Now This Is 40 // Not a Trophy Wife // geniabeme // Show me Ashley // Made In A Pinch // Mahogany Closet // Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains // Kathryn Anywhere // Mommies with Cents
Prize: $200 Amazon Gift Card
- Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily.
- Giveaway ends 10/24 and is open worldwide.
- Winner will be notified via email.
Enter on the Rafflecopter below and good luck!
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