$25 Starbucks Gift Card or Code
FLASH Giveaway
My Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Life is thrilled to be offering a FLASH Starbucks Gift Card or Code Giveaway! You know I love Starbucks Soy Hot Cocoa, if I could just stand the taste of coffee my whole horizon of flavors would open up to me..hahahah. Anyway, I bet you love Starbuck Coffee drinks! Now is your chance to win a $25 Starbucks Gift Card or Code, your choice! This is an EASY giveaway with only 2 entries so enter below NOW because this giveaway is only open for 24 hours and will be gone in a flash!
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Visited 4 times, 1 visit(s) today
I would love to nab one of the last pumpkin spice lattes!
Starbucks is definitely a luxury; but something that’s nice to get once in a great while!
It should say Michelle H.
I would treat my daughter and myself to something and then pay it forward with the rest!
I Would Love To Win A Starbucks Gift Card Because I Love Starbucks Coffee!!! It’s A Great Stress Reliever!!
I like their can refreshers and their instant via coffee, so I’m sure I would love their in store versions. If they can make instant taste so good, I know the fresh must be amazing.
A code would be better , if I shall win. I already have a Starbucks Account and I can down load the code.
I would like to win a Starbucks giftcard because my 14 year old daughter LOVES Starbucks drinks. I cant afford them for her very often. This would be something I could give her for Valentines day. Or for any other day for that matter!
I want mineeee…lol..♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STARBUCKS
Love Starbucks! The best coffee on the planet!
I love their iced teas!
I’d like to win because it’s such a treat after a rough day
I need the caffeine to deal,with going back to work in Monday afterwards two week medical laeve’m
I’d like to win because since I have been pregnant, I have been on a strawberry kick. Starbucks makes such a yummy strawberry creme frappucino.
Because I love me some Starbucks. Mm mmmm good!
I need to win so I can get my “pick me up” in the morning.
My mom loves Starbucks but never has the money for it. I’d love to give it to her.
I could really go for a Starbucks coffee right about now … so a gift card would be awesome!
I need a daily Starbucks to get my brain started before school
great place to work on wi-fi 🙂
I dont live near a Starbucks. The nearest one is about an hour and 20 minutes away. But my sister, who lives in DC, is a Starbucks addict. So Id give it to her to make her happy. 🙂
I really like Starbucks.
because I love coffee and drink it everyday!
I drink Starbucks every morning!
My daughter has been asking me for the last 3 weeks to go to Starbucks, just hasn’t been in our budget, would be a nice surprise to win.
I want to win so I can have some hot chocolate and muffin.
Between working, taking care of my daughter and being back in school, it would be great to unwind.
I love Starbucks and am in need of a Starbucks date with my hubby. It would be nice to spend time with him without the kids, even if it’s just for an hour or two.
I want to win for my sister. She loves Starbucks.
I love Starbucks and so does Hubby 🙂
I love starbucks
With 2 special needs toddlers, coffee is always needed! LOL I go to Starbucks daily and would love to win a gift card for there! Thank you for the chance! 🙂
I would prefer the gift card….I’ve had problems with their codes before.
My friends’ daughter loves Starbucks; she’d be stoked if I won this for her.
love their hot chocolate and birthday cake pops
Starbucks is my favorite place to get coffee!
I’d love to drink some coffee!
I’d love to win the gift card!
Cuz i love starbucks!!!
i would love to have the gift card!
I would love to win because I have a newborn daughter and love to occasionally treat myself to starbucks during an afternoon out of the house since I rarely get it any more!
Of course I would love it! It surely helps with a newborn!
Thanks for the chance
I’d give it to my hubby for Valentine’s. Since he was down sized 2 years age there have been no gifts. It would be a special treat.
Anything steaming hot from Starbucks sounds wonderful in this freezing weather!
Because I have never been to Starbucks and would love to go!!
Why would anyone not want to win an awesome gift card like this? Starbucks rocks!
Love their hot cocoa
Would love to win!
I would love to win a Starbucks giftcard because I am a Coffee Addict LOL! I spend way to much money there also!
Love skinny vanilla lattes
I love Starbucks, but don’t splurge too often. It would be a nice treat to have the giftcard.
I would LOVE to win a Starbucks gift card because here in Wisconsin, it has been bitter cold (like 40-50 below with the windchill) for so many days and my body just needs some good ol’ Starbucks to start functioning properly again!!
For my mom!!!! She deserves it….
love to have a skinny vanilla latte
Oh Heaven!!!!! Yum
I would like the card.
Id like to win because im a Starbies junkie!
Oh Starbucks how I love thee <3
I love Caramel Macchiato’s so would love a gift card.
Love Starbucks, but need this GC cause so expensive when on budget !
Starbucks is good so good!!
I love starbucks! Reminds me of Seattle!
Because I’m a Starbucks addict, but can’t afford to feed my addiction, lol.
I’d love this giftcard to thaw out from all this snow!
Yay! Caffeine addict!!!
6 kids = need caffeine!!
I enjoy taking my nieces there ion occasion, and a bit of extra money means we CAN. And yes, the 9 ear old gets actual coffee… horrible, but we loves our coffee in this house!
Love me some starbucks! Could really use this~
My SO loves cappuccino and mochas but doesn’t treat himself due to our budget. I would love to win this for him 🙂
I’m a Starbucks addict! Help me save some money! 🙂
I lovee their coffee. The best!!
I love their Iced Tea and Hot Chocolate!
I love Starbucks and so does my Dad!!! I would give the card to him!!!
I love Starbucks!
This would be awesome to win!
We love Starbucks!!! I’d love to win this to save a little money on our addiction!! 🙂 Thank you!!!!
Ooh! This would mean some quiet mommy coffee time for me!
Awesome! 🙂
Would love to win this because my husband spends way too muconey here!!
LOVE Starbucks!
I would like to win cuz I get up at 4am for work every morning and I’m tired and need coffee to wake up
I would love to win BC I can’t afford Starbucks coffee and haven’t had one in so long!
I absolutely love love love Starbucks and I drive 22 miles one way to get one… would be so nice to win this gift card <3
I prefer the gift card as well because I work right next door to one 🙂
I LOVE Starbucks!!!!
To save me some money of course!
They have the best coffee!!! I would Love To Win So I Can splurge ON More.
I like to win because the drinks are expensive and I’m addicted 😛
I would love to win because Starbucks is my guilty pleasure!!
because I’m always wanting starbucks, it would be great to have a gift card to go there!! 🙂
Love enjoying my weekend coffee. Starbucks would be a great treat
I’d like to win this for my dad. He loves to spoil himself with a fancy coffee every now and then.
I’d love to win because it’s cold in MA and I would love a warm yummy drink from Starbucks!
I could treat myself to some yummy hot chocolate!!
I’m at starbucks almost everyday, so I could definitely use this.
I love their iced chai (even in the wintertime!).
Thank you for the opportunity! I don’t go much….as I’d like too.
I Love Starbucks!
Gift card please
I never get to go to Starbucks and this would help me pay for it. Thanks
I would love to win because I love Starbucks coffee! It’s delicious and I could go on a “date” with my daughters!
I would love to win a Starbucks Gift Card, thanks!
Kim Reid
because Starbucks is yummy
I love to treat my granddaughters to Starbucks but being on a fixed income I can’t do it as often as I would like
My son is breaking the bank. I love Target but I can not get out of there with buying him a cake pop if he is good. Darn , it adds up and a win on a gift card would help from cracking the bank too much!
I would love to win cause I love Starbucks!
Thanks for the giveaway! This would be a wonderful way to start a weekend date with the hubs! we love Coffee!!!
I’d like to win the GC so I can treat myself and my friends to some drinks. 🙂
I would love the gift card because Starbucks has the only chai I like!
So I can buy some yummy hot chocolate for me and my husband.
would love a gift card! love the caramel machiatos!
because I love starbucks coffee
I love their caramel macchiatos!
I love Starbucks! I would get some peppermint white chocolate mochas.
would love a gift card for yummy coffee, thanks!
I like to have it for mini-gifts for friends
I would love to win a Starbucks gift card so that I could treat myself to a latte. I only splurge occasionally because I just can’t justify the price. thanks for the giveaway!
because starbucks is delicious and a nice treat on the weekends while shopping!
I would love to win because my daughter is an addict and I would love to feed her addiction!
Would buy lots and lots of coffee!!!
I would be able to treat myself to a fancy coffee drink every now and then. It doesn’t happen often! I am a single mother of three and can’t afford it.
because I love their coffee
To support my caffeine addiction!
Starbucks gift card, please and thank you.
I’d love to win because Starbucks is an awesome treat, esp when I’m traveling for work.
I would like to win because I use the cake pops as a reward for my son and they can get spendy after awhile.
Starbucks is the best coffee….love the atmosphere of the place.
Why? Is there really a WHY with Starbucks? lol White Chocolate Mocha Latte, that’s why! 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I would like to win a Starbucks gift card because Starbucks for me is a treat and I don’t feel good buying it when there is so many other things I need to buy. So to win a card, I would be able to treat myself without feeling guilty!
I’d like to win this because I have actually never had Starbucks! I usually visit locally owned shops.
I love Starbucks! I’d love a free cup of coffee!
I would like to win because I love Starbucks coffee!
I would like to win the gc because having a 6 month old, I need all the coffee I can get!
I’d love to take my friends out for coffee!
Coffee coffee coffee coffee must have coffee. Need I say more 😉
I love Starbucks, I go 2 to 3 times a week, this would help!! thanks for a chance!
I want to win because their coffee cake is to die for.
I would love to win the Star Bucks gift card because they are great to hold on to and give as gifts throughout the year for birthdays.
I would love to win because their coffee is amazing and I don’t normally get to have it during my mornings so it would be a nice upgrade for a couple days!
I love Starbucks, but can’t afford to indulge. So a gift card or code would totally belp with my indulgence;)
I would like to win a starbucks card because with 4 kids coffee is a necessity and sometimes a starbucks treat is exactly what this mom needs!!
i love Starbucks!!
I love Starbucks but to expensive to have everyday
Would love to win because I drink Starbucks every morning! 🙂 Love Starbucks! Thanks!
I’d like to win because I love their frappes, but they are not cheap!
for my wife.
Starbucks card!!!!!!!!!❤
For my husband who is a coffe freak he drinks it 24/7
I can’t afford Starbucks right now, so this is a way to get my fix.
b/c I dont go to starbucks unless I have a giftcard to use.
a card!
This would be such an awesome treat. I never buy coffee, though I love it. I especially love to sip a decaf latte while grocery shopping. It’s so soothing and decadent!
It’s my lifeline. Coffee is like oxygen to me. I NEED it. (Ok, I may not actually need it to live, but it DOES significantly raise my chances of a good mood)
I’m getting over a chest cold and this would be an awesome pick me up!
coffee is the only thing i drink would love a Starbucks card thanks for the chance
I love Starbucks. I usually get a tall dark roast coffee (no milk or sugar).
A gift card would be great!!!! It’s been so cold here, I’d love this when I’m stuck in traffic!
I would like to win because it would be a great treat for my hubby after he has been working so hard
we LOVE starbucks! but they are a little pricey, so we do not go often. this would be a nice treat and just in time for Valentines day! thank you…
starbucks has the best flavored coffees…love the white choc carmel macchiato…but its hard to afford on SS disability, so I rarely get to treat myself. winning this gift card would be a blessing to me. thanx for the chance
A gift card would be the perfect way to treat my family and me 🙂 Thank you!
Because starbucks gets so much of my money already…lol
I’d like to win the gift card because I love coffee and Starbucks is a luxury when you have 5 children!
would love to win never had any starbucks everyone says great coffee
I’d love to win because it’d be amazing to have starbucks money now that I’m a stay-at-home mom.
Because, coffee. and tea. and cake pops. 🙂 My balance is down to $3.34 on my gold card. need a refill 😉
We have had such a crazy winter here in Indiana, I could use a delicious extra hot vanilla latte!
i would love a gift card from starbucks thank you
Loss job and can’t afford to get it anymore and i miss my morning coffee from there.
I want to win this for my college son
I love starbucks and its so expensive so any prizes of gc are a great help. thanks for the giveaway
I would like the gift card for my mom 🙂
I would like too win for my fiancee he loves Starbucks thanks for a VD gift
I love coffee but can’t usually afford Starbucks!
Starbucks is my mommy getaway!
I haven’t been in some time, money is tight. Would love a latte!
I go to Starbucks 6 mornings a week! A gift card would be awesome 🙂
So that I can function for the day.
I am a “Starbuckian.” I love their espresso drinks and even bought the $75 offer for a free espresso a day for the month of January. The $25 gift card would allow me to enjoy Starbucks drinks and the atmosphere of enjoying my coffee with other like-minded individuals.
I love their coffee, and they have yummy packaged pecans and marcona almonds.
For my son, the Starbucks-coffee-lover.
I would love to give it to my big brother who has to get up early for work, and is busy all day long. He does so much for me, this would just be a sweet gesture to show my appreciation.
I need to reload my hubby’s card 🙂
Because this is a treat for us and we only allow ourselves to use gift card deals for it. Never cash.
I love coffee and I love Starbucks. I’d love to win a gift card.
I’d like the gift card please as I want to give it as a gift to my sweet daughter in law!
Gift card! Hubby is a truck driver and he loves Starbucks, I’d give it to him 🙂
I want to win because I spend about 15 hours a week there! No lie! My daughter takes college classes and isn’t driving yet, and it’s too far to come home and go back, so I go to Starbucks. I really should buy stock in the company. Or get a job there! LOL!
I would like to win because I am a Starbucks addict! Have a great day!
Would love to win the Starbucks gift card so I can treat my kids and myself to our favorite drinks!!
I would love to win, as I like to go there every morning for breakfast and coffee <3
I would love to win a Starbuck’s GC to help support my coffee habit.
Would love to win because I drink Starbucks every morning! 🙂 Love Starbucks! Thanks!
I need more coffee! Thanks for the great flash giveaway
Would love to win a Starbucks Gift Card or Code because then could treat my hardworking husband to a coffee date .. which is long over due!
I would love some delicious coffee and sweet treats!
For my husband.
Um, coffee? Coffee, coffee, coffee. Plus, coffee.
Because I like free coffee.
Starbucks is my favorite place to get coffee!
Any day with caffeine is a good day, any day with FREE caffeine is even better! 😀
I’m starting to think I may never completely thaw out from the Polar Vortex. I could use a tall cup of hot chai latte and something warm for my daughters, too. This would make for a nice girls’ day with my daughters.
I’d prefer the gift card, because I need one to put my remaining e-balance on it from the free coffee I got. Either is fine, really.
I’d like to win a Starbucks gift card!
Me too!
I love Ilove Starbucks