You have probably heard about the Raw Food Diet. The basic and common feature of most raw food diets is that they all advocate eating food in their natural state and that is, uncooked, unprocessed, organic and unexposed to herbicides and pesticides.
Raw Food Diet for Beginners: The All Natural Way to Lose Weight Feel Great & Improve your Health
Weight Loss
The main purpose of most people who shift to a raw food diet is for weight loss. Eating raw food will facilitate weight loss because eating raw food will mean that you won’t consume as much fat and calories as with a regular diet.
Raw Food Diet: How I Lost 220 Pounds in 8 Months Using the Raw Food Diet
Disease Prevention
Another main purpose of most people who shift to a raw food diet is to fight what is referred to as lifestyle diseases. Lifestyle diseases include hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes and things like Candida. These lifestyle diseases are often caused by eating food that is too high on fat, sugar and cholesterol.
The Raw Food Nutrition Handbook: An Essential Guide to Understanding Raw Food Diets
Chemical Free Eating
Some who go on a raw food diet do so because they want to avoid the accumulation of harmful chemicals in their bodies from food that is exposed to pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and hormones. Fruits and vegetables grown in commercial farms are usually treated with pesticides and herbicides to keep insects from feasting on the fruits and vegetables.
Animals grown commercially are treated with hormones and antibiotics to prevent disease and ensure optimal growth. Seedless fruit are sprayed with hormones as well.
Anti-Aging And Increasing Immunity
Still some people who opt for a raw food diet emphasize a healthy lifestyle that will keep them looking young.
They believe that fresh, unprocessed fruits, vegetables and grains boost the immune system which keeps infectious diseases at bay and it improves the body’s circulation and systemic functioning which gives them clear skin and radiant hair.
Increased Energy
Getting all the pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and hormones present in so much of our foods these days will definitely help increase your physical, mental, and emotional energies and make you think more clearly.
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As with all diets, you should consult your doctor to see if a raw food diet is ok to begin. There are so many benefits to eating raw food and one thing to keep in mind is that you don’t need to eat fully raw all the time, you can simply add more fresh, and raw fruits and vegetables to your diet on a daily basis and cut out processed foods. That alone is a huge step to improving your health, preventing disease and curtailing the effects of aging.

I’ve been eating mostly raw food since I was a teen, with my first career as a nutritionist. I really want to get into dehydrating more of my foods as an excellent way of having a great supply of raw foods on hand.
Love the raw food diet and so many benefits for being on one. Thanks for the tips.
I could live on eating fruits and veggies and so could my grandson. He would rather have a piece of fruit than have candy. I just wish everything good for you wasn’t so expensive.