CBD Oil Can Make Dealing With Cancer Easier
I recently was diagnosed with breast cancer. The battle for many cancer patients, not just breast cancer patients, is the struggle to regain our health. These medications and therapies you will find yourself taking for cancer are often hard on your body. They can leave you with symptoms that are as bad as the disease you are attempting to fight. Often you have to take medication to counter the medication you just took! CBD Oil Can Make Dealing With Cancer Easier!
Many cancer patients are looking for anything new to help with their symptoms that they can take which is a more natural delivery. Enter CBD oil. CBD oil takes all of the benefits of hemp and condenses it down to the beneficial portion without the THC, that is, the chemical compound that causes the “high”.
I had heard about CBD oil and how it helped with pain. I was picking up my doggies from the groomer and I was in so much pain that day, I said to myself….”heck I am ready to try anything to relieve this pain”. The groomer said have you tried CBD oil yet for your pain and I said no but I am thinking of it, but I doubt our little town has any. OH yes we do…she said and told me where to get it. I drove straight to the place and tried it that day!
If you are battling cancer and are at the point that you are ready to try anything to help your problems with pain, nausea or fatigue, look no further. CBD oil works through the Human Endocannabinoid System. This elaborate network is part of our immune system and when it is activated by taking phyto-cannabinoiddiols, humans (and animals) have better ability to fight, resist, and assist in repairing the mind and body. In researching more about CBD oil, I learned that our body actually has cannabinoid receptors on our cells!! Did you know that? So they gotta be there for a reason, right???
Radiation & IV Zometa really did a number on my muscles and joints, but my CBD oil was very effective against my pain. IV Zometa made my jaw so sore I couldn’t open my mouth and my neck was so sore I barely could turn it! I was so thankful for CBD tincture.
There are many types of CBD receptors in our body; CB1 & CB2 are just two. Studies suggest that CB2 modulate the pain sensation & could play a role in various diseases, from liver and kidney problems to neurodegenerative diseases. (1)
Progress in Lipid Research, P. Pacher, R. Mechoulam; 2011
I had lots of problems with nausea during my cancer treatment too!! At the time I had my partial mastectomy for breast cancer, I also had a partial gastrectomy & esophageal surgery for a stomach tumor. Thankfully it wasn’t cancer, but they thought it was. This is where the endocannabinoid system comes back into play. Nausea and other stomach issues are soothed by the cannabinoids that our own bodies produce. But being under such stress from surgeries and a new diagnosis of breast cancer, my body wasn’t making much cannabinoids. Using CBD oil helped to reduce the feelings of nausea that I was fighting making it easier for me to keep hydrated and keep some calories down. I needed calories to help my body renew itself!
Lack of sleep and stress from chronic worry about what will happen next, leads to fatigue. Choosing to treat sleeplessness with CBD oil can make an incredible change in how you sleep. In order to heal, you need to be able to get lots of rest. Fatigue can steal precious moments during the day when you are making plans and going to appointments. CBD oil can help to restore some of your energy, and when you’re battling cancer, you will need all the energy you can find.
Cancer doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Fight back, and help to preserve as much of your health as you can by using CBD oil to relieve your symptoms.
**I am affiliated with Charlotte’s Web, they have the best CBD Isolate Oils, Softgels, Gummies and Creams! Free ground shipping on orders over $75
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.