How to Avoid Bipolar Triggers during the Holidays
The holidays are filled with what could be considered bipolar triggers for people with bipolar disease, and surviving from day-to-day becomes an even bigger challenge. From annoying family members to the increased stress, the holidays are not easy to handle. However, there are ways to avoid the triggers and still find a way to enjoy the season.
Figure Out the Routine Changes
Many people with bipolar disorder develop routines they like to follow at home, but even a minor change can be a trigger for mania or depression. It is important to try to manage the routine as much as possible and avoid doing too much in one day. Overstimulation is a problem for some people, so planning ahead can help.
Hosting Dinners and Parties
Hosting a dinner or party at home can be a trigger for people with bipolar disorder. The cooking, cleaning, scheduling and decorating can feel overwhelming. If you feel you cannot handle being a host, then it is time to let someone else take over. You may also want to think about going out to eat during the holidays to reduce the stress of trying to do everything at home.
Talk with the Family
If your bipolar diagnosis is new, the holidays are a good time to discuss the condition with family and friends. They need to be aware that you are trying to reduce stress and avoid triggers. The late night phone calls from your cousin who forgot the pie recipe or the demands from your great-aunt to drive her to the mall will have to be handled by someone else. You will have to make it clear that you cannot be their savior, driver or chef while you try to manage the illness.
Shopping Problems
Overspending and manic shopping are problems for some people who are bipolar. The holidays can make things worse with the constant barrage of ads, deals and sales. If you know shopping is a trigger, then consider letting another family member or friend handle it. You can also set a careful budget and use apps to limit your ability to overspend. You can still enjoy the holidays, but thinking ahead will help you avoid the bipolar triggers.
If you have found other triggers please list them in the comments! It will be a help to everyone and thanks.
Lana Bandoim is a freelance writer and editor. Her work has been
published on websites ranging from Yahoo! News to Technorati.

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ashlee, its so hard to watch them struggle…hope everyone had a great christmas and new year.
My gramdpa is bipolar so we try to be sensitive to his needs during the holidays
You are a great grandson James Robb!
Thank you for the tips! I have friends who are bipolar and they struggle constantly.
yeah my sister is bipolar so I definitely know how difficult it is. Especially during stressful holidays!
Anita, I hope your holidays were great and your sister did ok.
That’s great information for people with any form of mental illness. I have anxiety issues, and avoiding triggers is soooo important. I have to delegate some things to other family members if I start to feel overwhelmed.
Agreed Sherrymartindale1731, I am learning to delegate more…it sure helps with anxiety.
Thank you for this information– we have friends and family that suffer with bipolar and I will be sure to keep these things in mind.
Olivia, you may want to share with me some things related to living with someone with bipolar 🙂 I for one am glad the holidays are over.
So true! There is so much that goes on during the holidays that affects bipolar plus others who have Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder. Great tips!
Thanks for your comments Naomi!
Terri David, I know it’s extra hard if they don’t stay on meds. BiPolar is so new to me with a family member now having it I am learning myself.
I know people who are bipolar and it seems so difficult to deal with.