Hello from My Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Life in Homer, Alaska! It’s a beautiful evening tonight. This photo is from our deck. As I sit looking out across Kachemak Bay I thought I’d share what’s been going on here.
You probably have noticed changes, we have a new design and new colors. I wanted something that would be easier for you to find topics and posts. I am also starting a new thread if you want to call it that, called Weekly Updates, that will be a bit more personal and give you an idea of what’s going in my life besides all the recipes and health information I share with you. So we’ll see if I can keep on a weekly schedule with my updates!
I’m sitting here listening to Toto, it’s almost 9PM and still twilight. We passed the equinox last week and here in Alaska we are gaining approximately 6-7 minutes of light daily, it’s crazy. Sun is setting later and later until soon we will have over 20 hours of daylight! This light change tends to really screw with my mood! When we first moved here I remember I could go almost 3 days without sleeping due to the light before my body would need to crash and sleep. I had to put black tarp under my drapes to help darken the room. I’ve learned that I can’t just go to bed…it’s very hard to go to bed knowing it so light outside, I need about an hour of being in a dark room before I can sleep. And it’s a must to have room darkening shades still under our drapes! One of the many things I had to get use to living in Alaska. Some people don’t have a problem with light at all though.
I have consulted, Kirstin a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Owner of Nourish in AZ, to help me lose some weight. My weight has stalled for months. It probably didn’t help that my back went out last fall, from degenerative arthritis, making it very difficult to even walk. After consultation with an orthopedic specialist it was felt Physical Therapy would be the best approach for treatment ( or steroids into my joints which I don’t want ). I have been doing PT twice a week since last fall! I’m finally back to doing many things I could before my back went out. But my husband has been very good at doing housework!
I spent 2 weeks in Hawaii with my girlfriend in January doing a Dr. McDougall Adventure. They provided all Vegan dining and I didn’t lose a pound. When I got home, I then continued a Vegan diet for an additional 2 weeks and still didn’t lose a pound. I was so very frustrated with my weight. So I consulted a nutritionist, and she is working with me and making menu plans to follow for a few months to see if we can get my metabolism to budge! She has me on a Paleo, Pescatarian sort of diet right now. I was a bit worried because I don’t like to eat meat much. I prefer fish and eggs if I don’t eat vegan. She said she could work with that. It’s only been 2 weeks and the scale has gone downward for the first time in many months! I’ll be sharing some recipes and let you know how this all goes. Are there any Paleo people out there? I miss grains and baking!
WEll that’s about it for now, I will touch bases with you next week! By the way, if you have any questions feel free to leave them in comments and I will answer next week!