I’m sharing a personal story for Breast Cancer Awareness. This post is in remembrance of my mother, Violet. I don’t know about you, but Breast Cancer seems to be affecting so many women! I know in my family alone, Breast Cancer has taken the life of my mother and her sister, my aunt. It also took the life of my mother’s aunt. Three of my cousins have Breast Cancer and have gone through treatment and thankfully they are doing well! I have Breast Cancer, and my niece was diagnosed the same time I was with Breast Cancer! Treatment has come a long way since 1999 when it took my mother’s life. We were genetically tested and do not have the Braca genes but in my opinion something is in our genetic history for so many women in our family to have breast cancer. There are many, many different kinds of Breast Cancer which was something I learned during my journey.
My mother found a lump in her breast and got evaluated right away! In fact she had a mammogram the year prior and nothing was noted on the mammogram. So when she found a lump she wasn’t terribly concerned. However the lump looked suspicious and I went with her for the breast lump biopsy. The biopsy results were not good, the tumor was an aggressive one and was already 2 cm in size. How that could happen so quickly within a year is something I do not understand. Of course she had a mastectomy, followed by Tamoxifen orally for 5 years. They did offer chemotherapy as an option but she refused it. Shortly after she stopped taking tamoxifen her cancer returned in the other breast and she had metastatic spread to her bones and we believe her brain. It was an aggressive Tumor when it returned and she didn’t last a year. I wonder if she would have had chemotherapy at the time of her first breast cancer appearance, would it have helped prolong her life? I miss her terribly.
I know there are many other types of cancers but since breast cancer has struck so close to my family it only seems natural for me as a Breast Cancer Warrior to become involved with community awareness whenever I can.
Do any of you have family with Breast Cancer?
You can become involved in Community Awareness of Breast Cancer.
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Jorgee says
My thoughts go out to you for having so many people affected In your family. Thank you for sharing your story, and continuing the awareness.
Sam Dock says
I was watching the news last night and on our local channel on the 21st of every month(their channel number) all the anchors wear pink and give constant reminders for women to take care of themselves and do their self checks.
Susan Alban says
Thank you for posting this about breast cancer awareness. I don’t know anyone personally dealing with breast cancer, but I do understand the effects!
Amber D says
I know quite a few people dealing with this and support really matters.
Paula V says
My 80 year old gramma is a 15 year breast cancer survivor. My aunt passed away 12 years to an aggressive breast cancer.
Jessica Snow says
I’m so very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. *Hugs* My mother-in-law is battling breast cancer right now. Thank you promoting awareness.
Sam Dock says
My aunt was the first woman in our family to find a cancerous lump, thank God she found it very early and is for now healthy and cancer free. Im so sorry for the loss of your mother.
Colleen says
Crystal, My condolences to you. It is very hard to lose a parent.
crystal lane says
Dont have anyone that died of breast cancer or has had it.But my family has passed from many other forms of cancer.Just lost my night and shining armor and my dad Jan 2 2013 from lung cancer.Thanks for keeping awareness going.