Can a Hot Tub Improve your Health?
Today, the wellness industry is thriving as people seek advice and strategies that can help them attain or maintain optimal Health. Although there are a plethora of techniques that can be used to accomplish this purpose, the use of a hot tub can be particularly helpful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
If you are interested in spending more time in the hot tub, consider the following health benefits that they can offer:
3. Better Sleep.
One of the best health benefits that can result from hot tub use is better sleep. Hot tubs are capable of offering this benefit as a result of the fact that the heated water is soothing and thereby effective in reducing tension. This decreased tension helps facilitate longer, deeper sleep. The use of a hot tub can also be effective in engendering better sleep as a result of the relaxing effect that one experiences because of the weightlessness effect provided by the water buoyancy. Finally, hot tub use results in elevated body temperature, and this elevation is followed by decreased body temperature once you get out of the tub. This shift may also function as a mechanism that induces sleep.
4. Type 2 Diabetes Improvement.
Studies have found that use of a hot tub can help individuals who suffer from type 2 diabetes improve their health. In short, hot tub therapy that included the use of the tub in 30 minute increments six days a week for a minimum of three weeks engendered weight loss, better sleep patterns, and lowered blood sugar. The hot tub can be a particularly effective form of therapy for type 2 diabetes sufferers who want to access natural treatment but are precluded from engaging in traditional forms of exercise.
5. Chronic Pain Reduction.
The use of a hot tub can play a role in alleviating the experience of chronic pain. This is the case because the hot tub can work to massage pressure points of the body where there is pain. For those who struggle from painful conditions such as fibromyalgia can attain relief from pain by soaking within a hot tub. Performing light stretches while one is in the water can be helpful also.
6. Weight Loss.
If you are interested in shedding excess weight you should note that the use of a hot tub can help facilitate the process. This is the case for several reasons, including the fact that hot tubs stimulate circulation. Additionally, hot tubs lower blood pressure and elevate the heart rate, both of which constitute the simulation of mild physical activity. You might find it difficult to do weight bearing exercise or have difficulties engaging in physical activity that take place on dry land which means you can gain great benefits from hot tub use.
7. Stress.
Hot tubs can help facilitate health by alleviating the stress that can precipitate debilitating conditions such as the common cold. Hot tubs decrease the experience of stress as a result of the fact that you generate a relaxed physical and mental state while also facilitating improved circulation by causing the heart to work harder. Some of the other beneficial effects of hot tub use-such as the lowering of high blood pressure-can also play a role in decreasing the incidence of stress. To enhance the stress reduction capacities of hot tubs, you may want to consider using aroma therapy to increase the relaxing aspect of hot tub use.
Other Considerations
While hot tub use can play a profoundly positive role in facilitating great health, those who want to walk in optimal wellness should remember that hot tub therapy is not the only type of activity that you should engage in. In addition to making use of the hot tub, individuals who desire better health should eat a healthy diet comprised largely of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews. Additionally, you should engage in consistent forms of exercise that you find fun and engaging such as swimming, taebo, yoga, weight lifting, and/or running. When all of these things are done in conjunction with hot tub use, the odds of attaining a healthy lifestlye will increase dramatically.
Rachel has been a freelance writer for many years and writes on behalf of Arctic Spas UK

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