Need some fast Christmas Cash? A few of my blogger friends have a great giveaway for you. You have from Sunday 12/21 at 6pm Eastern Time until Wednesday 12/24 at 12 pm Eastern Time to enter. All you need to do is leave a comment to be entered. There are ONLY 8 of us so it will be very easy to do! One lucky winner will win $80
In order to be eligible for the prize you must do the mandatory entry on each blog.
How to enter:
Mandatory Entry – Leave me a comment telling me if you will travel for Christmas or if family and friends will travel to your place?
After you finish entering head over to Finding Sanity in our Crazy Life to leave a comment on her blog. Once you complete the circle you will be eligible for the grand prize!
Entries will be verified. The winner has 24 hours to claim their prize or we will have to pick a new winner.
Disclaimer: This blog and any participating blogs did not receive compensation for the published material in this post. No purchase required to enter this giveaway and there is a limit of one entrant per household. Void where prohibited. Odds of winning are determined by the number of valid entries received. Winner will be chosen by Random.org and will be emailed via the email address used to enter the contest. New winner(s) will be chosen if original winner(s) has not responded within 24 hours of email notification. Saving You Dinero is responsible for prize fulfillment. This giveaway is not administered, sponsored, endorsed by, or associated with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Pinterest or other social media outlet. Disclaimer is posted in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

we are staying home on Christmas but may possibly travel for new years eve, depending on the weather
I am going to my parents house for Christmas.
I don’t really travel for holidays any more I only have to go 5 miles now. Much better than the 200 I used to drive!
We do a little bit of both. We are going to my sisters Christmas Eve then we are also having family here on Christmas day.
We will be traveling to Boston
We do not travel all the family is in town
I’ll be traveling with my husband and three year old son to four places!
staying at home and family visiting for dessert
We all live near each other.
We will be staying home & spending Christmas with family who lives in the area, so the I only have to drive less than 10 mies to my parent’s home. Thanks for the chance!
[email protected]
We will mot be traveling for Christmas, we will spend Christmas at home. And we will be traveling to visit my sister for the New Year.
We’re staying in town for Christmas this year but we will be going to my brother’s in-laws’ house on Christmas day. They don’t live too far away.
Unfortunately, we are unable to travel this year to my family’s. But my daughter got married this year and moved 3 hrs away so she and her husband will be traveling back here to celebrate with us. And I get to meet my new grandpuppy 🙂
i dont have to drive far to get to my mom’s for christmas
I am not travelling to visit family at Christmas this year – I will travel…4 blocks to my friends’ house for Christmas Dinner 🙂
Yes, we traveled for Christmas to be with our families, thanks to our family for getting us here.
We will not be traveling. We are helping serve a community meal.
No travel this year except close from house to house…hometown only
Christmas Eve we are going to my Uncle’s house who lives about 10 mins away and Christmas day, we are going across the street to my cousin’s house.
We won’t be doing any traveling or having any guests this year.
Traveling to me and seeing each other via FaceTime
I will be traveling in state so not so bad 🙂 Merry Christmas
We’re staying home. Cozy with the snow that’s coming.
Our family is close so not much traveling
They are coming here
We plan to stay home for Christmas, but expect family and friends to drop in throughout the weekend.
My son will be traveling back home for the holidays to spend time with me and his little brother.
No I will not be travelling for Christmas.
I will be traveling after the holidays to see the family.
i’ll travel but not very far
My 5 kids and I usually stay home to celebrate Christmas we dont travel we always make sure were together
Staying here in TN and family is coming in!
We’re staying home and family is coming here!
We will head to my mom’s for Christmas, which is only an hour and a half away. So not too far!
Thankfully, everyone is coming to my place this year!
We will only be traveling about an hour north to go see my boyfriends parents, other than that there will be no traveling. Were staying home on Christmas eve and having our own little party 🙂
We are traveling A LOT this Christmas. We are going three hours away to my in laws house on Christmas Eve and then on Christmas morning, we are driving four hours to my parents house. Whew!
we will travel to our son’s home
My family and I will only travel about 20 minutes away to my parents home for Christmas dinner!
We are staying home for Christmas this year.
My son flew home from Navy A school for Christmas!
Won’t have to travel this year.
We live in the same town as family. No travel.
They come here,because I cook!
We going stay home, my family and my love <3
We plan to stay home for Christmas this year- weather for travel not good- expecting a huge storm on Christmas eve,too.
We will be traveling to our Godson’s home for Christmas.
We are staying home all together this Christmas, my family and my love 😉
I will be travelling to my family’s house.
My daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren only live about 15 minutes away, so I’ll be traveling a very short distance to their house for Christmas.
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!
We will be staying home this year. Our children will traveling home to spend the holidays with us.
Family will be traveling to my house for Christmas this year.
I am traveling to my family since I’m on break from school. Very excited! 🙂
We will be staying home this Christmas.
going to my eldest dtrs new house
I will be doing a little traveling this year. Every year we go to my sister’s house and the whole family spends the night and we celebrate all night (playing games, etc.), then we wake up Christmas morning after Santa comes and celebrate! It has become a great tradition! God bless and Happy Holidays everyone!
My family will be visiting me for Christmas.
We traveled last weekend. Rest of our family is close 🙂
Family is in town so we don;t need to travel.
The family lives under one roof so no travel required except to the Christmas tree and the dinner table.
We stay at home and have our own little family gathering.
I’ll be traveling about 8 miles to my friend’s house.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
No traveling for us this year and no one will be visiting.
I won’t be travelling this year. Most of my family love in the same city.
hi, we play host every X-mas Eve and then X-mas Day is more relaxing, but still festive.
I will not be traveling this Christmas. My daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are in NJ with his parents, they came 16hours drive from Fort Campbell, KY. They will be having Christmas with his parents this year. I will be busy here at home making Christmas dinner and my In-Laws are coming for dinner this year. I finally received a ham and we will be having ham, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and biscuits. Since there will be 6 of us this year, I’m going to have to move my computer and set the dining room up this Christmas because we don’t have enough room in the kitchen. It’s more Christmassy that way! Then for dessert we will be having coffee and I’m making an apple pie and a pumpkin pie. I have to get ice cream (just in case) and I have whipped cream as well. So, to answer your question, I will be home and having visitors here at my home for Christmas! Thanks for asking! Michele 🙂
We have family that will travel our way from Missouri and Texas this year. We are in Michigan.
Our family will all be here at Christmas.
This year, we have family coming to visit us!
Going to brother and his family home in next town over, so not too far from home.
My friends and family will all be traveling to my home for Christmas so I won’t be traveling this year. I am so looking forward to spending time with them 🙂
Home for the holidays just me and my kids
Not really travelling, most of my family lives here in town except for my dad but he is only about an hour drive away.
We re staying home.
I go to my brothers for Christmas.
Everyone is coming to our home!
My entire family is going to my mom’s house for Christmas this year.
We are spending a quiet Christmas together at home. No traveling, no visitors. Ahhhhh, I’m glad I have to admit.
This year people will be traveling to our home for Christmas! It’s a nice break lol!
Traveling to San Antonio this Christmas. Can’t wait to see the fam!
We are traveling to see family for Christmas.
No travel for us.
My mom and stepdad are visiting us for Christmas and then we are traveling to their house for New Years!
kymom13 at gmail dot com
I’m staying at home, and my family travels to me.
I will be travelling this Christmas to see my family
Everyone will be coming here for the holidays so no traveling for us.
I will be traveling to my mom’s. Fortunately, she’s not too far away.
No traveling this year… hanging with friends and local family
Everyone is coming to my place
I wish we could travel home for Christmas this year, but we were just there last July to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary! Maybe next year.
We will not be traveling this Christmas!
We will be staying home and having family and friends over to our house. I am very excited to see everyone. The tree is up, the lights are lit, and the cookies are baked. Life is good. Merry Christmas.
My family will be coming home to visit me; I travel on Thanksgiving and they travel on Christmas.
We do not travel for Christmas.
It will be a quiet Christmas, we are staying home and the kids that are scattered won’t be home this year! Thank you and Happy Holidays!
We always have our kids and grandkids here for the holidays.
we are traveling to visit my in-laws
I’m not traveling and have not family coming to see me.
I’m staying home, no travel with everything that’s going on.
We don’t have to travel too far. I’d say about 35 minutes to my brother’s and then from there we have to go about 45 minutes to my in-laws, then about 30 minutes back home. Now that I type it out, it’s more travel than I realize!
forgot my email: jjoliet(at)hotmail(dot)com
we are going to my brother in laws house.
Neither really – we are celebrating at home with just my immediate family. We’ll have a get together at my sister’s the day after Christmas, but we don’t have any family or friends visiting us on Christmas day this year and we aren’t going anywhere. Which is nice.
No traveling for us this year and no one coming over either.
We will not be traveling this Christmas, but my mom will stop by in the afternoon on Christmas day.
We traveled first week of Dec.
We will be traveling to my husband’s family after Christmas.
We are staying at home. My mom had thought about coming, but was just here for my daughter’s birthday, so it will just be us.
I am traveling about 10 minutes away to my family and that pleases me immensely
I will visit my parents for Christmas dinner. They live 20 miles away.
My daughter came home from her first semester at college. We will visit my mom and sister, but they are both local.
We will travel 3 hours away to where my parents and all my sisters and brother live. We are the only one not living on our family street.
My husband and I go to his parents’ house as well as my parents’ house every Christmas. We live about an hour and thirty minutes away from them and we always come to town several days before Christmas, so we don’t have to travel on Christmas Day.
We usually travel pretty far every year, but we are staying home and celebrating alone this year.
The whole family will be celebrating at my sister’s house this year. She’s about a hour away from me.
We don’t have any family near us, so we’ll be having a quite Christmas at home with just our immediate family!
We’re traveling to and spending Christmas with my parents. Then we’ll meet friends on Christmas Day. petra_sage[at]yahoo.co.uk
We are staying home alone this year.
I am not traveling for Christmas, family and friends will be visiting!
I will stay home with my son. No frends or family will visit.
Everyone will be coming here for Christmas dinner.
I will not travel this year. I think most of the family will come over to my house.
Just moved into a new house and things are chaotic. Staying home and no guests. Just trying to get organized.
Not traveling, no visitors, no holidays that fall this month 🙂
my sister and I live only about 10 minutes away from each other we will be going to her place this Christmas. Thankyou, Ken
We will be traveling to my in-laws and also to my parents for Christmas
Neither! Nobody’s traveling to our house or from this Christmas.f
My inlaws live a few minutes away and my parents live about 10 minutes away. Not much traveling for us.
My mother-in-law arrived Dec. 20th and will stay with us until Dec. 28. She is someone anyone would enjoy being with. She’s funny, generous, thoughtful, kind, and very entertaining.
We are at home and my mom and stepfather are coming to our house, infact, they are already here!! 🙂
We all go to my parents which is local for most of us, only my brothers have travel involved.
We are not traveling, but our Son has traveled more than 1200 miles and is here for Christmas =),
Only traveling 30 minutes to moms on Christmas Day.
I usually have the family over to visit us because I like to do the cooking but this year we’re fighting colds and sinuses so no dinner.
We’re staying home this year.
We will just be traveling locally! All of our family (besides my dad’s side) lives within 10 minutes of us!
family is coming to my place for Christmas!!
We won’t be traveling for Christmas and no family or friends will be traveling to our place this year either. It’s just me and my husband this year.
I will be travelling locally to my cousin’s for christmas eve & day.
I’ll be staying home on Christmas day. Daughter #2 lives at home and daughter #3 will be getting in sometime that afternoon or evening I’ll be going to my sister’s in Wisconsin with all three daughters on the 27th.
We live two houses away from my parents, so Christmas Eve we’ll walk over there, and Christmas Day they’ll walk over here. One son lives nearby, so he’ll be here as well. Our youngest lives in another state, so we’ll have to travel to see him and his family after Christmas.
No traveling this year! We all live within a few minutes of each other!
We’re staying home this year.
[email protected]
We are not travelling for Christmas. Our kids still live with us so we are doing Christmas at home.
I spend Christmas at my brothers house every year. It’s only one town over.
My dad only lives about 15 minutes away, so we will have a family get together there on Christmas Eve and then on Christmas day it will just be my grandkids, kids and I.
I plan to travel to Phoenix on the 29th to accompany my sister to a doctor appointment on the 30th of this month.
Wow! I’ve come “full circle” on this flash giveaway. (I actually didn’t think I’d have the time or patience to do so!)
I am actually traveling out of the country for vacation. We will travel to my in-laws to drop the girls off and celebrate and then vacation!!!
We’re staying home this year
[email protected]
our son is traveling to see us 🙂
I follow you @saleago
We will travel to my family on Christmas Eve and my husbands family on Christmas day but luckily neither are very far from us.
Follow on twitter @brianlve
No traveling. Will wait for summer to do that. No one visiting either.
We have family coming to visit. They are on their way right now in fact!
I follow you on Twitter (@collifornia)
I’m not traveling anywhere and most of my family already live close.
We live in San Diego so we are used to company,and always have the pantry ready to expand dinner if need be.
I am hosting this Christmas so everyone is traveling to my house.
I follow you on twitter @CarolYemola
I follow on twitter as @Smomto3
i will be traveling to my in laws and parents house but not far, they live close by!
I follow on twitter
We’re staying home this year.
Followed on Twitter. AudreySmith013
I only will be traveling to my aunts a little bit away next Saturday. But Christmas will be spent with my immediate family at home.