This Review & Giveaway is done by Colleen at My Vegan Gluten Free Life
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I absolutely adore, love, am fond of, fancy, like and have a huge passion for TEA! Get the picture? I like the smell of coffee but can’t stomach the taste. But Tea….oh it is my passion. I have had to switch to decaffeinated teas because the caffeine will give me cardiac arrhythmia’s and that doesn’t feel too very good. Some oolong teas I can handle and some light green teas as well and thank goodness because their flavors are divine.
Fusion Teas has a fabulous selection of teas such as black, green, oolong and more including Tulsi, Rooibos and Herbal. They were kind enough to let me sample a few of their teas.
I was sent 4 loose leaf tea variety collections to sample: Acai Berry Blend Oolong Collection, Super Fruit Sencha Green Tea Collection, Lemon Rose Bud Oolong Collection (pictured below) and Chamomile Vanilla Bean Herbal Collection.
The Super Fruit Sencha, upon opening, smelled very much of a raspberry/blackberry blend and I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it since the fruit smell was very strong but after brewing it the fruit flavor was slight and the green tea flavor very light. It was very refreshing and would be delightful cold as well I would think.
The Acai Berry Blend smelled like a musky currant when I opened the package but I loved the flavor. I thought the muskiness would be overpowering but it was wonderful without being heavy and the oolong came through with a slight tang. I would use this tea for everyday drinking.
The Lemon Rose Bud definitely had the fragrance of roses upon opening but the flavor was very faintly rose with the oolong flavor very light and a thought of ginger? It was a delightful tea and I would also think this would be great iced.
The Chamomile Vanilla Bean immediately filled the air with the aroma of vanilla upon opening and the chamomile flowers looked lovely amidst the other ingredients. You definitely need a strainer for this one to drink since it has lots of floating ingredients. Mmmmmm this was lovely. I can envision this tea before bedtime or curling up with a book or in front of a fire or for a tummy ache! It is sweet, flowery, yet distinctly vanilla with a hint of licorice.
Do I have a favorite of the group? I love them all! But I could drink the Acai Berry Blend daily anytime! I think Fusion Teas has a lifelong customer here!
Fusion Teas is offering the following BrewT along with your choice of 2 Fusion Tea blends (3 onz each).
Info from Sponsor on BrewT:
The BrewT infuser is a revolutionary method for making your preferred hot or cold beverage through the ingenious combination of properly steeping premium loose leaf tea with fresh hot water. This patented process for making exceptional tea is so popular with people on the go, college students and office professionals that it allows for a quality drink within minutes of mixing the ingredients together. The BrewT is brilliant.
Using the BrewT
The infuser is equipped with a unique shut-off valve invention that controls the flow of liquid from the Teaze to the cup through a specially designed filtration screen intended to prevent large particles from reaching your cup. With the placement of the brewer on the cup, the weight of the unit will open the valve and allow the infused liquid to flow into the cup. Once lifted from the cup, the plate falls and forces the shut-off valve to close the infuser opening thus preventing further flow. The impact resistant high grade polymer used in the manufacture of the BrewT allows for safe and easy use for its intended purpose.
Fusion Teas also have other wonderful gift sets you can purchase.
This Giveaway is open to US only and begins 7/30/2012 at 12:01 am EST and ends 8/11/2012 at 12:01 am EST
To Enter this Giveaway fill out the Rafflecopter below and Good Luck:

Nice Giveaway