How Cooking at Home Affects Women’s Health
Health experts have been recommending that families cook more at home for years. However, a new study reveals that this simple advice may be more complicated than expected. It is not enough to cook at home because the type of meals being produced can have a strong impact on women’s health. Women are still the main cooks in many households, and 69 percent of the food preparation at home is being done by women.
A study published in the Journal Preventive Medicine reveals that cooking at home is important and can affect women’s health. The study included 2755 women who provided information for 14 years. Researchers were surprised to discover that women who cooked at home were more likely to have metabolic syndrome. This syndrome is a combination of factors that lead to a greater risk of diabetes, stroke, heart disease and other illnesses. Researchers noticed that these women had higher blood pressure, abdominal obesity, higher blood sugar levels and higher triglyceride levels.
One reason for the higher metabolic syndrome rates may be more access to food. If you spend all day cooking, then you probably spend more time tasting the food and eating it. However, researchers believe that the type of food also matters. Cooking at home can help your health, but high-sugar, high-fat and processed foods can still be prepared at home. They pointed out that baked goods are an issue and making them at home does not completely eliminate the health problems associated with them.
Experts still believe that cooking at home is better than eating out or relying on processed and packaged foods. Nevertheless, they want women to be aware of how much they are consuming during the food preparation process. They also want women to be aware of how much sugar, fat, salt and other ingredients they are adding to their meals.
I personally believe if you cook with healthy organic foods, home cooking is the healthiest way to eat!

Fast Food means just that – it is fast! No love & patience is put into the food. It isn’t simmered or full of good flavors that you like & enjoy!! Cleanliness is a must to me too!
Wow this is amazing. It has to be better then eating fast food.
I believe cooking at home is more healthier than eating out. You know what’s going in your foods, and how it’s being prepared. Also what ingredients you are adding to it. You can control all the healthy benefits instead of eating out and not knowing what you and your family are consuming
I agree. If you cook with clean foods and ingredients, it is a health benefit and will not lead to any health issues.
I agree that it’s what you are cooking that makes a difference. Many households rely on pre-made frozen entrees. Cooking with whole foods, the way our grandparents did, is the answer.