Learning how to use Essential Oils for Cleaner Air is inspiring! These amazing oils have the ability to make your indoor space smell good. In addition, they also help create a healthier environment for you and your family and that’s inspiring!
Store brand air fresheners tend to cover up odors with artificial scents that fade quickly. These scents are created using chemicals and other ingredients that could be harmful to your health. Instead of covering up odors and filling your home with chemicals that may actually make your indoor air quality worse, essential oils eliminate them naturally. As a result, the air in your home is truly clean and fresh.
Here are a few great ways to use essential oils for cleaner air:
Use a diffuser. Diffusers are easy to use and they do a great job of dispersing the oils around the room, which is probably why they are so popular. They come in a wide variety of sizes, styles and prices so it’s easy to find one that suits your needs and budget perfectly.
Make your own air freshener. All you need is a spray bottle, water and your favorite essential oils. Simply fill the bottle with water and then add a few drops of your choice oil or oil blend. Give the bottle a shake and then spray the mixture around the room for a clean, fresh scent that last for hours.
Use your air filters to disperse the oil throughout your home. Before replacing your air filters, scatter a few drops of essential oils on them. The oils will be dispersed throughout your home as the air passes through the filters and travels through the duct system killing germs and freshening the air along the way.
Clean with essential oils. When your home is clean and dust free, it greatly improves your air quality. When you make your own homemade cleaning products using essential oils, they help to purify the air as you clean.
Some of the most popular essential oils used to clean the air include:
Tea tree
Improving the air quality in your home provides many health benefits. For example, it helps to reduce the spread of germs and viruses that can make you sick and it helps to improve respiratory problems. When you clean the air with essential oils, you also receive all of the therapeutic benefits the oils provide as an added benefit.
However, keep in mind that certain oils such as peppermint, clove and sage to name a few should be avoided if you have young children or if you’re pregnant.
It’s also important for you to use pure grade, quality oils to ensure you’re receiving the full benefits essential oils have to offer.
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[…] properties that can create a good environment for sleeping. Using in a diffuser helps the air be cleaner for less […]