Peace of Mind with Blood Pressure Monitors
Blood pressure monitors are great to use at home or even take traveling with you. I first began using a blood pressure monitor when my physician said I had hypertension (high blood pressure) and wanted me to begin medications to lower my blood pressure. I was in shock! I didn’t realize I had any problems with elevated blood pressure. In fact, I usually ran low blood pressure and would feel faint upon rising in the morning. I was not about to begin taking medications for hypertension! The thought of having to take medication was just one reason I began my journey into becoming vegan, to lower my blood pressure. I did purchase a blood pressure monitor to keep track that my blood pressure was not going higher. Through diet alone, I was able to bring my blood pressure into a normal range.
Stress on the other hand is something I have tried to get a handle on because stress causes my blood pressure to rise. After my mom passed away, my step-father seemed to decline mentally very fast to the point that he was unable to care for himself, was found wandering in the neighborhood and was a danger to himself eventually being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, so my sister and I had to get court appointed custody of him and it was very stressful. One particular event dealt with removing my step-father from his home and unfortunately he became combative and the police had to handcuff him. It was not a pretty situation. Hours after this event I felt physically so horrible, I thought I would pass out. I had family call an ambulance, the paramedics had to use IV medications on me in route to the hospital due to finding severe cardiac arrhythmias. Looking back, I wish I would have had a blood pressure monitor with me then, but I didn’t. These monitors also show your pulse rate which can help one recognize cardiac arrhythmias. Had I used a blood pressure monitor during this time with my step-father, I would have recognized my pressure was going up and my pulse was irregular and perhaps I could have averted this whole ambulance, hospital situation by doing some alternative therapies.
My good friend also has hypertension and what she calls “white coat syndrome”. Every time she goes to the doctor her blood pressure goes up. But my friend has a blood pressure monitor at home and monitors her blood pressure weekly where she finds that her pressures are always normal when she is home. So, she can let her doctors know that just seeing a “white coat” makes her blood pressure go up! And since her doctors know this, they have not recommended she begin medications for hypertension.
I still monitor my blood pressure at home regularly and it gives me wonderful piece of mind that if I feel dizzy or faint I can reach for that machine and take my pressure to see if my symptoms warrant a trip to the hospital or doctor. I use a monitor like the one pictured above.

I. Need one for when I get stressed & anxiety
haha, never heard of this ‘white-coat syndrome’ I can see how having one of these at home would be handy for her and you have just given me an idea as to what our family can give to our grandma