Proper Childhood Nutrition with Vitamin Angels
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Vitamin Angels Give Childhood for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
What was your favorite childhood activity? I remember picking pears was a favorite thing for me to do as a child. We also went into the country to pick berries and other tree fruits and nuts. We’d often walk quite a distance to look for the perfect tree or patch of berries. But there are children who are not healthy or do not have the energy to do such a fun childhood activity!
Vitamin Angels Give Childhood believe all children should be able to experience the joy and wonder of childhood whether it be picking fruit, playing baseball or riding a scooter in their neighborhood and the proper intake of vitamins and minerals can help with the energy a child can have! For example, low vitamin D intake can affect the way a child feels, thinks and grows! Not having the proper intake of vitamins and minerals can rob a child of the proper nutrition needed so they can reach their full potential both physically and mentally as they grow! Give Childhood back to children in need by visiting Vitamin Angels Give Childhood to make a donation that will help deliver essential vitamins and minerals to at risk children in need
Vitamin Angels Give Childhood is a nonprofit oerganization that helps mothers in need provide vitamins and minerals to their children through many programs in nearly 50 countries includin the United States. Vitamin Angels has been raising funds since Tuesday, December 3 and continues to accept donations through Tuesday December 31, 2013.
Did you know that for as little as .25 cents one child can get the proper vitamins they need for a whole year?! You read that right, a whole year of vitamins for a child for only .25 cents. Your support today will give the gift of childhood to those in need worldwide so please donate now and Thank You.

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