Update on my THRIVE Diet
I am finally home from New York State and getting caught up with my normal routines. I thought I would update you how my trip went and how I am doing on my THRIVE Diet plan. We arrived in Newark, NJ just after Hurricane Sandy and spent 3 weeks in New York State. Returning home was a trial but I made it.
I found that eating without thinking about the THRIVE plan wasn’t all that difficult. I found I migrated towards high protein meals and didn’t seem to miss the carbs or even crave them when I thought about what I could get. I must confess I did have a NY Bagel with Cream Cheese and it was like eating a dessert! I did have a pumpkin custard shake and some fresh apple cider. But other than those indulgences, I didn’t try to eat the THRIVE way and just took a break while in New York and had a great time. I didn’t gain a pound! It was a thrill to maintain my 23# weight loss! This is my 2nd vacation from eating the THRIVE way and I have maintained my weight each time with no weight gain and not feeling deprived! Trust me, I ate!
And I learned Indian Cooking in Brooklyn! Watch for my upcoming post on Indian Cooking with Chef extraordinaire Ms.Julie Sahni.
I am now back into the high protein, low carbohydrate swing of eating and I hope to lose 15 more pounds by mid January. I will keep you posted. I don’t think I could maintain this type of eating style without the vegan protein powder I am using which is Life’s Basics Plant Protein Mix, Unsweetened, Natural Vanilla Flavor made by LifeTime. I just love it! With 22 Grams of protein and only 6 Grams of Carbohydrates I can vary my drinks by mixing in fruits or flavored extracts that I love and still keep the ratio of protein higher than carbs! I still eat one normal protein meal and 2 large low carb veggie meals a day with no cravings. If you would like to try this protein powder please use the link I provide here:

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I meant to rename it “Pumpkin Smoothy”…..it’s drinkable. It’s not a parfait.
Hi….not sure I sent you this recipe. It’s so delicious!!!
Pumpkin Breakfast Parfait:
(Original recipe from Hallejuah Acres website, the following is with my changes)
1 cup pumpkin
2 tbsp ginger (powder)
1 tbsp blackstrap molasses
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 cups non-dairy milk
2 tbsp raisins – they do the sweetening!
2 tbsp pecans or walnuts(optional)
4 gluten-free, vegan gingersnap cookies crumbled
Blend all luntil smooth.(except the last two items which are to be sprinkled on top when done blending).
I didn’t have the cookies on hand, but it tastes awesome without them. It reminds me of healthy ‘Eggnog’. Enjoy!
This is my first time hearing of the THRIVE Diet. I have always wanted to try a vegan diet but I have not yet. I actually ate at my first Vegan Asian Restaurant just last week! It was very interesting!
The NY Bagle, apple cider and pumpkins custard shake sure sounds good to me! Seriously, I am glad you didn’t have a weight gain and congrats on losing your weight!