What’s up in the Blogging world?
This week our bloggers take us for a big walkabout! They have their fingers in food, emotions and mouth safety this week. You can check out below what they have to say about it all.
I Hope you enjoy this week’s Blogging walk about.
Shannon from Coupon Savings in the South loves couponing! She is sharing her recipe for Pecan Pound Cake with everyone. While you check out her recipe be sure and check all her coupons, freebies and store deals! You’ll love her blog!
Donna from Donna’s Deals and More love to have Reviews & Giveaways, Coupons & Deals and also posts on Gluten-Free Living. She is sharing her recipe for Gluten Free Cranberry Muffins. She also posts Gluten-Free Recipes Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check her blog out.
Becca with the ABC kidZ loves doing reviews and giveaways & loves writing about a frugal and green lifestyle. As a former social worker, she is passionate about social justice issues. Check out her blog! She is sharing a post today that she wrote about making “feeling faces” to help your young child discuss emotions.
Jenn from Coupon Queen that $aves the Green loves to help you save moola! She has tons of coupons, savings tips and deals along with product reviews and giveaways. She is sharing a recipe today called Watergate Salad that looks absolutely yummy!
I hope your blogging day is great!

Those GF cranberry muffins look great! Can’t wait to try them.