How is your winter going? Do you need a little pick me up? Well I thought I’d give away a Starbucks Gift Card to make winter warmer for one reader.
Enter on the Rafflecopter below and you could win a $25 Starbucks Gift Card.
This giveaway closes January 26 at 12:01 EST

Visited 4 times, 1 visit(s) today
I only get to go a few times a month, but with this GC I could go more often!
About once a month.
I like to go a couple of times a month.
About once a month. It is a treat when I do my big out-of-town shopping to stop and sit in one of their comfy chairs and reenergize.
About every two weeks–would go more often if I had money!
My Krogers has a Starbucks inside so whenever I go grocery shopping!
I go to Starbucks everyday
I usually go about twice a month. Thanks for the giveaway.
I can’t afford to go too often — Maybe once a month.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Sometimes once a week, sometimes 5 times a week – all depends on the week! Thanks for the great giveaway~
About once a week, thanks!
1-2 times a week 🙂
I go about twice a month
Starbucks is a treat. Lots of sugar in my coffee there, so I skip lunch and dinner, and just have a late night snack.
Starbucks is a rare treat these days… I used to go more often, when I was in college!
I go every day for my venti bold red eye soy misto! They know me and have my drink ready by the time im done paying.
Self indulgent but you dont want to be around me if i havent had my coffee!
About once a month.
I usually go at least once a week!
I only get to go a couple times a month since it’s so expensive.
once a week
no but I will hopefully
once a week
I go maybe once a month. But I LOVE it
On average, probably 3 times a month 🙂
i used to go once a week but i can’t justify paying 5 bucks for 1 cup of coffee anymore.
I go a few times a year, until Pumpkin Spice Latte days start, then it’s every few days. haha
I would actually like to win this for my mom, who goes about once a week but would love to go more 😀
Around twice a week 🙂
whenever I visit my children in Philadelphia and Chicago
I go about once a month as a special treat!
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com
About once a month.
Four days a week.
Since I now live over an hour from my nearest Starbucks, I don’t get to go often enough. I did get there last weekend, though.
Once a year or less
I go about twice a month.
We go about once every couple weeks! So good!
Probably a couple times a month.
I go a few times a month.
I go a couple of times a month.
I do not go to starbucks often because I cannot afford to.
about once a month
I go about twice a month, I am more of a Tim Hortons girl!
I go at least once a month to drink tea and sit and read all by myself.
A couple times a month as a treat.
I use to go there all the time but our finacial situation has changed
I used to go almost every work day…things have deteriorated off quite a bit over the last two years, but their coffee has also risen in price 🙁
I go when I get the chance to make it to town…but my mother in law will drive to town just to get Starbucks. So I would probably give it to her.
once every few months.
I go any time I can talk a friend into going with me! Once or twice a week if the money’s there!!
Almost every day!!
I only go to Starbucks occasionally as a special treat for myself.
I have only been once, in an airport. I got a cocoa and it was so good!!!
A couple times a week!!
A couple times a week!
about once a month
as often as i can afford it
The nearest Starbucks is 35 miles away. How sad it that? But I would love with all my heart to give this to my hard working son. He adores Starbucks and he deserves the best.
Lately not often enough 🙂
Every time we get near one, there is not one where we live
I live in a very small town so I go everytime I go to the next two town there is one each way from me about a half hour to forty min away
once a month
at least once a week ,i m on a tight budget cant really afford it but oh how i love starbucks
I haven’t been to Starbucks but my daughter likes to go there with her friends weekly.
once a month
I go about once a week.
Twice a month
About once a month 🙂
I go to Starbucks a couple of times a week, 🙂
I go to Starbucks about twice a month – it’s a special treat!
Thank you.
I go atleast once a week because I buy my coffee grounds there…
not very often.. sadly
Almost never because I can’t afford it!
I go here and there, maybe twice a month.
About twice a week!
’bout once a month or so….
I don’t go to Starbucks, but my sister goes on a daily basis. If I were to win this would be a sweet little pick me up for her
Used to be more, but about once a week now.
I go a couple times a year.
couple times a month.
I go there every weekend
About 2 times a week!
Maybe twice a month.
about once a week!!